Hey everyone,
This is my first blog post so I just wanted to give you a sort of overview of what to expect, a preview of the kind of things you might find up here. I have a lot of different pop culture interests and I’m gonna write about them. I’ll do reviews, predictions on TV shows, recommendations, kinda whatever comes to mind.
I wrote “Game of Thrones,” articles for New Media Rockstars for awhile there so one of the main things I’m going to blog about is all things GoT, weekly episode reviews, etc. So if you’re into that there will be that! If you haven’t realized yet the main difference between the articles I wrote for NMR and how this blog is going to work is I’m going to be a bit more casual and sometimes go on tangents that I think are funny. I have a…different?…sense of humor so who knows; you might love it, you might hate it, I’m just having fun.
I’m thinking I might also do retrospectives and talk about books, movies and TV shows that you might not have seen and talk about some of the things I really love about it, things I think they did right. I’ll also talk about movies that are good, but I think could have been great if they changed one or two simple things. I think I’m definitely going to talk about movies that exist and it’s sort of mind boggling that they got made, whether that be good or bad.
So if you’re interesting in the craft of story you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to Jurassic Park!…I mean my blog. That sounds a lot less impressive though. Pretend there’s some way to say “my blog,” and have it feel as impressive as saying “Jurassic Park,” like Mr. Hammond. Cool, we’re on the same page…