We started the episode off with a storm, so in a way the entire episode was Stormborn. But the title refers to Dany, once again. She is Daenyrs Stormborn of House Targaryen. She called Varys out on his trustworthiness, which is a conversation that probably would have happened while they were trapped on a ship together for several months but hey why not have it now?
Dany also met with a lot of characters she hasn’t interacted with before, most notably Melisandre and Grandma Tyrell, (no one cares about the Dornish until the Sand Snakes finally..finally!…bite the dust). Characters are crossing more and more and this is a great lead in to Dany and Jon meeting. Dany decided to siege King’s Landing rather than attack it and kill a bunch of people, Grandma Tyrell tells Dany to be a dragon and attack the capital, we’ll see who’s advice she takes. Meanwhile the Unsullied are going for Casterly Rock. So tomorrow we should be getting a big meeting and what looks like a semi-major battle at the as yet unseen Lannister Castle.
There’s been a lot of allusions to Jon mirroring Ned and Robb so it seems to imply he’s making the same mistakes and will therefore meet the same fate, again. Jon chocked Littlefinger like Ned did back in season one, (a lot of season one references in this episode). And Jon decided not to kill Littlefinger even though he probably already should have. I feel like if I knew half the shit he’s done and I was in Jon’s position I’d go for a walk with Littlefinger on the battlements and Littlefinger would slip, oh, no, what a tragedy, it’s so icy on those battlements, shame, shame, shame. But Sam’s letter got to Jon so he’s going to Dragonstone to meet with Dany, leaving Sansa *cough, cough* Littlefinger in charge. This is Game of Thrones so that’s gonna end well…
Samwell had more troubles with Pr. Slughorn and decided to just cut off the greyscale from Ser Jorah’s body which cool, but maybe you should have done that awhile ago if that was your plan. Just sayin’. It seems like Sam and Jorah are probably going to leave the Citadel together soon because Jorah’s been given a day before he’s shipped off to the ruins of Old Valaria with the other stone men. Chances are Sam’s cure will work for the time being but I wouldn’t mind seeing Jorah, the Thing.

Speaking of Samwell, Cersei and Jamie met with Samwell’s Father who’s a dick, but he won’t betray Grandma Tyrell, so he’s a loyal dick…I guess. Cersei conspired in the basement with Dr. Frankenstein on how best to fell Dany’s dragons. It was cool seeing the dragon skulls again and this time in more detail, since the show has a higher budget now than way back in season one.
Arya met up with Hot Pie again, promptly left him when she found out the news from the Internet and then met her wolf, Nymeria, for the first time since season one. But as the creators tell us in the after episode Nymeria cannot be tamed, which seems to imply Arya has made the wrong choice in heading for home as she too cannot be tamed!
A foreign invasion started with Theon in the room, (a lot of sex scenes happen around Theon now that he lost his penis, which sucks, like rubbing salt in the…gash?), and then a sea battle happens. Euron rides in and is first onto their ship from a bridge with dragon teeth because damn dude you crazy.
It was a long time coming but now Euron is actually threatening. It was an awesome battle sequence and I actually had to rewatch this episode again to write this because that was the only scene I remembered in any detail. Also Euron killed the Sand Snakes so I’m kind of on his side, which is weird but there you go. Theon took a dive off the boat because PTSD. I get that of course he wouldn’t just be back to normal but I really want him to nut up all ready…oh, right.
Well I just hope they don’t kill Yara because she’s way better than Theon. I don’t think they can kill Theon until he apologizes to the Starks, especially Bran, for what he did. I think that beat (moment of story) has to happen before his death, if he is indeed to die in the course of the series.
Also Greyworm and Missandei HAD SEX!!! For a really long time. So he’s probably going to die, unfortunately. I really like Greyworm and I hope he survives the battle at Casterly Rock. It seems like a waste to kill him but maybe it will be plot relevant other than to have Missandei in mourning, especially since they teased this for three seasons.
Now 7.3 The Queen’s Justice. Review next week. See you then…